Raspberry Pi 400 all set up. Color me impressed. Even the imaging tool to image a new boot image is nice and friendly. They really have made this easy. $100 for a fully functioning computer and mouse that plugs into a TV.

More rain than we’ve had in sometime overnight.

Now very high winds – it’s definitely, November here.

It’s 77F in Indianapolis on the 8th of November. That’s a pretty good argument for laying minis out and priming them to take advantage of this weather.

Ah, what to do today? Last night’s Blücher game was as usual great fun. Trying to decide between figure painting, unboxing some new games, or just playing. If playing, then what?

Current reading

Austerity Ecology & the Collapse Porn Addicts: A Defence Of Growth, Progress, Industry And Stuff

More people should read this one.

One way or another, this will be my “didn’t go to Origins/Father’s Day” gift this year.

I’m pretty excited about these minis from Wofun Games.

A desktop full of icons is a terrible thing to behold.

I should really wait until my second cup of coffee before posting anything.

Here in 2020, nearly everything Vernor Vinge described in Fast Times at Fairmount High has come to pass.