DROP’S NEW MECHANICAL KEYBOARD KEYCAPS ARE A DIFFERENT TAKE ON A FAMILIAR DESIGN - Interesting keycaps. Logging to remember later when I’m in the mood to build a new keyboard.

Musk And Twitter and the Fediverse

Right, so #musk buying #twitter is enough to get me to start looking seriously at the #fediverse and decentralized tools again. Like #mastofdon and here, at #microblog. I haven’t been posting to Twitter for a few years now in any case. I have used it to follow a few carefully curated lists, most recently on the Russo-Ukraine War. I will miss those - I may continue to use Twitter just for those lists and ignore the rest, though I’m leaning more toward RSS and a few other sites for news.

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Gmail to ProtonMail - a change I made last year and am glad I did.

Presearh - a decentralized search engine. www.presearch.io

Poking around with retrocomputing today and I came across #geminiprotocol, an alternative to the web using a modernized version of gopher. Browsing #geminispace is fast. Much more secure, as well. gemini.circumlunar.space

I had my first COVID-19 vaccination today. The site was very organized and the process was quick. My arm hurt a bit initially, but that’s subsided. I am feeling kind of run down now though. It’s not terrible, but I don’t feel like doing much

All my old Gmail is finally moved over to ProtonMail. The new import assistant works well

Mulling over the utility of moving different services back on to servers I control. The combination of Big Tech invasiveness and the increased ease of running stuff locally may be getting close to a crossing point.

After just a few weeks use, the screen on my @Remarkablepaper tablet is broken. I came into the office Monday morning and the display was obviously not right. No response from customer service yet. I love this thing but if it’s this fragile, I’ll be back to paper.

It occurs to me that I may have too many projects.
