Fatherland. Feral Historian did an interesting video on the book/film. The book seems worth the read.

Everything Musk presented at his theme park event last night was bullshit. None of that is ever happening from Tesla, or maybe anyone.

Ribbonfarm is retiring

Venkat is moving on from blogging. His points about the end of public social media and notebooking are well taken. Certainly, the cozyweb has been my direction for years now. My time is spent in a private Discord and most of my writing happens in Obsidian.

I still don’t understand why I would want to use the Rabbit R1 over my phone.

#ai #mobile #devices #gadget

My dog died yesterday. I am not at my best.

It’s been nine years or so since this: youtu.be/w-tFdreZB…

I still can’t get any tablet as useful and clean as any of these. I still can’t get collaborative workspaces that don’t suck.

But I sure can watch as many influencers as I want try and sell me shit I don’t need.

Pouring rain just in time for a lunch meeting. A thunderstorm during the first week of March. Not the norm for central Indiana.

Let the Platforms Burn

As usual, Cory Doctorow speaks profound truths. We missed the ball on allowing social media and tech companies to get out of hand. Time for a fire.

There are some people who I could filter every mention of from my various feeds and not really miss anything important. That these same people are frequent appearances in my feeds is a sad commentary on the state of things.

2023 - Never Mind the Billhooks Deluxe Project

With the turn of the year I’ve decided to get started on a project I’ve wanted to tackle for a couple of years now. I’m very interested in the Never Mind the Billhooks rules from Andy Callan