If people started to treat anything posted on social media by people they don’t personally know as bullshit until proven otherwise, we’d start to get a handle on things.

YouTube just banned supremacist content, and thousands of channels are about to be removed - The Verge

How America could become a dictatorship in 10 years, according to Jared Diamond

Your morning dose of derangement: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/trump-pressed-on-the-environment-in-uk-visit-says-climate-change-goes-both-ways/2019/06/05/77c8750c-8717-11e9-9d73-e2ba6bbf1b9b_story.html?utm_term=.f8466b3fd946&wpisrc=nl_headlines&wpmm=1

Compromising online accounts by cracking voicemail systems

A White Man’s Republic, If They Can Keep it - The Atlantic nzzl.us/Gm0azDl via @nuzzel

An excellent post on the IndieWeb and how to do the Dark Forest right.

I really, really enjoyed watching #GoodOmens last night.

It’s 2059, and the Rich Kids Are Still Winning

Along with Apple’s approach to privacy. Interesting that Apple and to an increasing extent Microsoft are becoming the more trustworthy tech players.
