Keep your scythe, the real green future is high-tech, democratic, and radical

This Ain’t Walden Pond, Mate. anyone that claims disconnecting from social media is a “privilege” has a stake in making you use social media.

It’s kind of a week for rediscovering old tools I used to use a lot, but abandoned for newer, “better” things. I just logged into my old account at Pinboard.

DoorDash Flip-Flops On Controversial Pay Policy, Says Tips Will Go To Delivery Workers - Slashdot “Whups, we got caught engaging in predatory capitalism!”

US attorney general William Barr says Americans should accept security risks of encryption backdoors How about the Attorney General shuts the hell up?

These technologists think the internet is broken. So they’re building another one.

I have not seriously touched emacs since, oh, 2009 or 2010? Just popped open a file, edited, and saved almost without thinking. #emacsmusclememory

A CEO’s Guide to Emacs @bsag

Cyber threats from the U.S. and Russia are now focusing on civilian infrastructure - TechCrunch

Everytime I look at Twitter my head starts to hurt.