Check for Incompatible Apps Before You Install macOS Catalina

Thanks Twitter, thanks ever so fucking much.

Centralized social media is a complete shit show.…

A tablet with a keyboard is just a shitty laptop.

Destroy the MIT Media Lab More than anything else, the corruption of Joi Ito and the Media Lab convinces me that every institution I used to look up to is broken.

You can heal the internet

Reading Austerity Ecology & the Collapse-Porn Addicts: A Defence Of Growth, Progress, Industry And Stuff. I manifestly prefer the Bright Green over the Dark Green view of things.

I’m really very much not one for Millennial bashing, but you people have really got to learn to use calendars…

Only Apple could come up with a credit card too fragile to be kept in a leather wallet. What a perfectly Johnny Ive sort of thing to do.


My undergrad is in Natural Resources; I have long been concerned with environmentalism. Certain parts of the environmental movement, though, have always made me uncomfortable. It appears that these are now crystalizing as eco-fascism.

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