If you are the kind of company that thinks using a Facebook product is going to help your culture, I really don’t want to work with you.
If you are the kind of company that thinks using a Facebook product is going to help your culture, I really don’t want to work with you.
A friend’s father passed away last night from COVID-19. I’m tired of this BS.
Through this pandemic, I’ve really come to realize that a significant portion of humanity is just batshit crazy. www.businessinsider.com/report-th…
The klept at work: mattstoller.substack.com/p/is-priv…
[Tesla’s success proves that what America needs is business, business, and more business (TSLA)] (https://www.businessinsider.com/teslas-success-proves-what-america-needs-2020-1)
“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.”
Hero Politician Shuts Down Heckler With ‘OK Boomer’ During Climate Speech in New Zealand
I know, I know, I’m Gen X. I’ll just go sit over here quietly and shut up.
What would happen if we compared Milennials to the Greatest Generation, or the Silent generation? Why not acknowledge that the Baby Boomers are a complete abberation, and outlier rather than a baseline?
I see constant comparisons between Milennials and Baby Boomers, as if Boomers are some sort of baseline that all otehr generations should be compared to. I see this about income, for example. Milennials earn some percent less than Boomers, etc.